About PeakEasy
PeakEasy Description:
PeakEasy is a gamma-ray spectroscopy analysis and radionuclide reference tool intended to assist in the rapid radionuclide identification and analysis of gamma-ray spectra. PeakEasy can read and display spectra from over 200 different file formats. It can convert spectral data to several of the most popular file formats used by other analysis tools. The gamma-ray library consists of over 3800 nuclides from the ENDF/B-VIII.0 decay library. PeakEasy also includes gamma-rays from over 200 (n,α) and (γ,α) reactions. The library is searchable using a variety of different search options. More details are provided in the help documentation. PeakEasy does not perform any automated identification.
Major Features:
- Over 4000 nuclides and gamma-ray sources available in PeakEasy’s libraries.
- Multiple gaussian peak analysis engine with real-time fit results.
- Easy and rapid energy calibration adjustments using slider bars.
- Batch mode processing (summing, file converting, appending, region-of-interest analysis)
- Displays GPS locations extracted from file (must be connected to the Internet.)
- No fees for U.S. government contractors and affiliates.
- Non-government users may require a license and a one-time fee charge.
What’s new in PeakEasy 5.0:
- PeakEasy is now using the ENDF/B-VIII.0 decay library.
- Over 3500 nuclides have been added to PeakEasy’s libraries.
- The X-ray and (n,γ) and (α,γ) reaction libraries have been significantly expanded.
- Different nuclide search options are now available.
- Nuclide age is now adjustable for calculating gamma-ray yields from daughter nuclides.
- The user may create a “User Define List” in the PeakEasy tab.
- The user may modify or create mixtures of different nuclides.
- Library tab now lists both daughters and parent nuclides.
- All peaks in spectra can be found and highlighted with Cntl-A.
- PeakEasy is now digitally signed and certified by Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- Image data can now be extracted and displayed from certain file formats.
- Summing multiple records in the count rate chart is now easier with Cntl-Drag.
- PeakEasy can now read several new file formats.
- Derived/Processed spectra in files can now be extracted.
- Many bugs in PeakEasy were fixed.